About the Clinic

Our purpose is to offer the very best veterinary preventive and acute care to our hometown of Goldendale and to the many surrounding communities of our clients. We believe all animals (and their people) are different and have different needs. Like us, some are large, some are small, and some are just plain weird. Regardless, we strive to apply our education, experience, and knowledge to treat each animal as we would our very own. 

 Whether on-site (at your place), or back at our clinic and large-animal facility, we shoot to meet or exceed industry standards for practices, equipment, and products. We try to always maintain a positive and friendly work environment (but let’s be honest, we all have our days). We laugh when we can and roll up our sleeves and get to work when we can’t.

Beyond vet care, our staff recognizes how much our community means to us. You might see us at the rodeo or on a late-night grocery store run. We are happy to call so many of you our friends and the Columbia River Gorge our home.